Dear Valued Partner,
Bossman Construction continues to monitor news and directives from Local, State, Federal, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). On March 23, 2020, Michigan Governor Whitmer has issued the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order, directing all non-essential Michigan businesses to temporarily suspend in-person operations. Under the executive order and in accordance with federal guidelines, certain divisions of Bossman Construction are an EXEMPT business and will REMAIN Operational providing support to ensure natural gas delivery and safety as-well-as helping Insurance Companies with Emergency Repairs as they arise throughout our communities. As these policies and rulings change, Bossman Construction will make any necessary adjustments in our business operations to ensure compliance with any mandates and continue to keep you informed of any and all updates.
In accordance to the rules, we have implemented operational changes to further protect the health and safety of our employees and customers:
- Reducing Workers & Social Distancing – Restricting the number of workers present on premise to no more than is strictly necessary to perform the critical minimal business functions. Keeping workers both on and off premise at least six feet from one another to the maximum extent possible.
- Remote Workers – Some employees are now working remotely to help reduce face-to-face contact and ultimately reduce the potential spread of the Coronavirus. Rest assured, we are still here to help meet your Residential and Commercial Construction needs. From sales and design, to product questions and estimates, Bossman Construction will aim to provide the high level of service our customers and clients have come to know.
- Expanded Use of Technology – The use of technology allows us to engage property owners remotely to provide price estimates remotely for Roofing, Doors, Windows, Siding and Decks without the need for an on-site or in-person visit. Furthermore, our employees will all remain connected and available by phone and email to answer any questions that may arise during these times.
- Precautionary Measures – We encourage all employees to stay home if they feel sick, exhibit signs of potential sickness and if they potentially and knowingly may have had contact with someone who shows signs of, or has tested positive for, COVID19. We have also increased our cleaning standards at our office with specialized cleaning agents.
- Continual Monitoring – The interpretation by the State of Michigan as it relates to the critical importance of continuing residential construction and remodeling- and its associated supply chain for goods, services (including financial, title, safety & well-being etc.) It is unclear as to what is deemed “essential,” and we must seek additional clarification from the Governor’s Emergency Management Team in order to continue to comply with all applicable mandates.
As Bossman Construction continues to serve our communities through these unprecedented times please don’t hesitate to contact our team with any questions or concerns and please stay safe.
Bossman Construction